1) Tuberculosis - dorsal spine with paraplegiaBriefly discuss clinical features , investigations , differential diagnosis and principles of management2) Aetiology and pathoanatomy of recurrent dislocation of shoulder . Outline the principles of management .3) Methods of nerve repair and methods of closing gaps between nerve ends.4) High tibial osteotomy.5) Valgus osteotomy of hip.6) Wound ballistics.7) Fat embolism8) Thoracic outlet syndrome – aetiology , clinical features and management .9) Neuropathic arthropathy –aetiology , diagnosis and principles of management.10) Multiple myeloma – clinical features , diagnosis , management11) Fluorosis12) Halopelvic device13) Necrotising fascitis14) Femoroacetabular impingement15) Proximal humerus fracture – diagnosis , management in elderly patients and complications.16) Whiplash injury – clinical features , investigations and management.17) Factors responsible for post traumatic stiffness of elbow , management of stiff elbow .18) Gas gangrene – aetiology , pathogenesis , diagnosis and management.19) Infected fracture shaft of femur after surgery for shaft of femur, discuss principles of management20) Complications of total knee arthroplasty.classify periprosthetic fractures and discuss their management.21) How to diagnose anterior cruciate ligament injury clinically? Investigations and management of acl injury in young athletes reporting after injury .22) Classify fracture neck of talus . Management ? Hawkins sign ?23) Indications of amputations ? Principles of amputations in children and adults1) Clinical Presentations In Rheumatoid Hand . Pathoanatomy Of These Lesions2) DDH . Pathoanatomy ,Diagnosis And Management .3) Anterior Interossious Nerve Syndrome .4) Nutritional Rickets . Clinical Features , X-Ray And Management.5) Erbs Palsy .6) Metatarsus Adductus7) Botulinum1V-PART A1)Spinal Canal Stenosis2)Ehlers Danlos Syndrome3)What Is Bone Cement? Indications? Contraindications For Usage ? Methods Of Bone Cementing ? Mention Complications4)Highly Crosslinked Polyethylene5) PET Scan6)Enumerate Various Methods For Bone Mineral Measurement . Define Its Density In Various Conditions . Discuss Management Of Osteoporotic Fractures .PART – B1) Tourniquet in orthopaedics2) Neurogenic Bladder3) What Is A Tubercle? Discuss Pathoanatomy , Diagnosis And Principles Of Management Of Cold Abscess?4) Effects Of Reaming Of Bone5) Biofilm6) Define Shock. Discuss Management Of Shock In A Polytrauma Patient .7) Describe Various Bone Graft Substitutes. Their Method Of Application , Ways Of Incorporation And Complications.8) Myoelectric prosthesis. Describe its components , applications and advantages in brief.9) Describe the classifications and the principles of management of congenital pseudoarthrosis of tibia.10) Management of claw hand in a patient suffering from leprosy.11) Hip arthrography.12) Ponseti technique in CTEV13) Strength-duration curve.14) Electromyography.
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Wednesday, December 11, 2013
DNB Ortho 2013 December Questions
Monday, November 25, 2013
Maligning Doctors on social networking site: A trend to be discouraged
Maligning Doctors on social networking sites: A trend to be discouraged
Hitesh Gopalan MS(Orth),
Fellowship in Joint Reconstruction(Lilavati
and BreachCandy Hospital, Mumbai),
Fellowship in Sports Surgery(Chang
Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan),
Visiting Lecturer, Centre for
Evidence Based Orthopaedics, McMaster Unviersity, Canada
Editor, Orthopaedic Principles A Review
Editor, Handbook of Orthopaedics
Editorial Board Member, Journal of
Orthopaedics, Indian Journal of Orthopaedics
SICOT India Core Scientific Member
Clinical Assistant Professor, Orthopaedics and Traumatology
There is no doubt that medical
profession is facing grave challenges. It takes years to become a doctor and
once you become a doc, you need further training to refine your skills and
provide the best possible treatment.An incident that happened in Delhi recently
Show how aggressively people can malign you.
story goes like this:
Patient A was admitted to a high
profile hospital in Delhi, India. The patient complained of pain in the ankle following an injury
and Xrays were ordered. Xrays showed a lateral malleolar (outside bone of ankle)fracture.
The doctor after careful examination and review of Xrays suggested that it
would better to operate on the ankle as there was a high risk of late
displacement, and the potential for a
less than optimal function of the ankle if NOT operated. Now, this is the
season of "Second opinions". Everyone wants to go for a second
opinion, third opinion and probably a 'n'th opinion. It is very well understood
in medical and orthopaedic literature that a single fracture can be treated in
many different ways. Sometimes an early surgery can get the patient back to his
job quickly. Modern day Orthopaedics is all about bringing a patient back to
his normal function at the earliest.We are talking about "Restoring Motion
and Resumption of work", in every conference in India and abroad.
Now patient A and his family goes to
many doctors and take 'n' of opinions. And possibly many of them had a more
conservative approach and recommended against surgery. Patient A and his
relatives now plan to malign this doctor in the
maximum possible way. They make an image and write a few words that puts
the doctor in bad light, that they wrote his name and hospital affiliation and
posted in multiple facebook profile 'walls" and "groups". What
is surprising is that they even created an application to make these posts go
" viral". The post was shared by 22000 people.
There is no doubt that this is quite
rather an unusual behaviour by a group of paranoid individuals who want to show
the medical profession in bad light. All of us must rise to the occasion and
see that we protect our fellows and friends in medicine, especially if you hold the highest level of
medical ethics close to your heart. The only way is to educate the public that
there is a long way that one has to travel to become a doctor. There are
countless nu mber of exams, failures and
hardships in this journey. Before you
put down a doctor think for 5 minutes about the sacrifices a doctor endures
during his lifetime. Take one minute of your time to share this post on your facebook and twitter profile. Tweet
#SaveMedicine. Share it so that it reaches 22001 people. Share the following Image as well.
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Tweet #SaveMedicine |
Also Read;
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Invitation to the SICOT Congress
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
DNB Ortho June 2013
2.describe bone healing. Discuss factors influencing bone healing
3.describe the clinical presentation of posterior dislocation of hip.how will u reduce it with Bigelow's method? Discuss causes which make reduction difficult. Enumerate complications of posterior dislocation of hip
4.write short notes on
A.plaster of paris
B.bone cement
C.torus fracture
5.describe the clinical features, radiology and treatment of non ossifying fibroma
6.classify nerve injuries. write briefly about their prognosis
7.discuss differentiating features between osteonecrosis and transient migratory osteoporosis
8.describr the design of pelvic 'C' clamp. what are the indication of its application and method to fix an unstable fracture
9.what is tuberculoma? Discuss the primary drugs used to treat Tuberculosis of spine.enumerate the complications of isoniazid, streptomycin and ethambutol
10.write short notes on
A.vitamin D resistant rickets
B.cast syndrome
Paper II
Part A
1.what is Kienbocks disease.write in brief etiology, diagnosis and management of this condition
2.describe clinical features , investigation s, management of acute osteomyelitis of upper end of tibia in a 10 year old child
3.discuss the patho anatomy of congenital talipes equinus varus
4.what is dupuytren's fracture dislocation? Discuss its management
5.write short notes on
A.mallet finger
B.blood supply of scaphoid bone
Part b
6. define and classify epiphyseal injuries.discuss the management of Salter and Harris type 4 epiphyseal injury
7.write short notes on
A.discoid meniscus
B.congenital muscular torticollis
8.discuss the principles of application of Milwaukee's brace .what are the clinical features of idiopathic kyphoscoliosis? Enumerate the indications of surgical intervention
9.what is jaipur foot? Discuss the absolute and relative indications of amputation
10.discuss the etiology , clinical features and treatment of sudeck's atrophy
Paper III
Part A1 .enumerate the portals for arthroscopy of knee joint. Describe the various arthroscopies, their accessories and indication of arthroscopy of knee joint
2.classify pelvic fracture. Describe various radiological views for assessing pelvic injuries. How will u manage rotationally unstable pelvic injuries.
3.describe ilizarov fixator and corticotomy. How will u manage a case of defect non union
4.short notes on
1.myossitis ossificans
2.habitual dislocation of patella
5.what is 'VAC'? How will u manage a case of
compound fracture of tibia having no neurovascular deficit
Part b6what is damage control orthopedics.how will u manage a case.of fracture shaft of femur with lung contusions in an adult
7.short notes on
1.gram negative septicemia
8.define osteoporosis. Describe various radiological investigations in a patient with osteoporosis. How will u manage a case of fracture D12 in an adult
9.describe clinical features of osteogenesis imperfecta. discuss the types of osteogenesis imperfecta.how does it differ from batter baby syndrome
10.draw diagrams of brachial plexus
How will u clinically differentiate preganglioic and post ganglionic lesions?
Paper IV
1.describe the blood supply of femoral head.how does it differ in adults and
children2.describe the anatomy of tibialis posterior tendon.what is tibialis posterior dysfunction.describe management of such cases
3.discuss the anatomy of parathyroid gland.describe the clinical features, radiological presentation of adenoma of parathyroid gland.what is hungry bone syndrome?
4.describe etiopathogenesis, clinical features , management of alkaptonuria
5.what are the indicationof excision of head of radius? Describe the posterolateral approach
Part b
1.short notes on
2. describe the anatomy of central and lateral canals in the lumbar spine in relation to lumbar stenosis. How will u clinically differentiate central from lateral lumbar canal stenosis. Briefly describe the management
3.describe the gross physical features of synovial fluid. Discuss the characteristic features in various pathological conditions vis a vis microscopic and biochemical analysis
4.describe the mechanism of bacterial colonization and perpetuation in osteomyelitis after orthopedic implant surgery. How is the situation different in tuberculous infection of musculoskeletal system
5.write short notes
A.chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis
B.combined angle of anteversion during total hip
Sunday, June 2, 2013
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