2.describe bone healing. Discuss factors influencing bone healing
3.describe the clinical presentation of posterior dislocation of will u reduce it with Bigelow's method? Discuss causes which make reduction difficult. Enumerate complications of posterior dislocation of hip
4.write short notes on
A.plaster of paris
B.bone cement
C.torus fracture
5.describe the clinical features, radiology and treatment of non ossifying fibroma
6.classify nerve injuries. write briefly about their prognosis
7.discuss differentiating features between osteonecrosis and transient migratory osteoporosis
8.describr the design of pelvic 'C' clamp. what are the indication of its application and method to fix an unstable fracture
9.what is tuberculoma? Discuss the primary drugs used to treat Tuberculosis of spine.enumerate the complications of isoniazid, streptomycin and ethambutol
10.write short notes on
A.vitamin D resistant rickets
B.cast syndrome
Paper II
Part A
1.what is Kienbocks disease.write in brief etiology, diagnosis and management of this condition
2.describe clinical features , investigation s, management of acute osteomyelitis of upper end of tibia in a 10 year old child
3.discuss the patho anatomy of congenital talipes equinus varus
4.what is dupuytren's fracture dislocation? Discuss its management
5.write short notes on
A.mallet finger
B.blood supply of scaphoid bone
Part b
6. define and classify epiphyseal injuries.discuss the management of Salter and Harris type 4 epiphyseal injury
7.write short notes on
A.discoid meniscus
B.congenital muscular torticollis
8.discuss the principles of application of Milwaukee's brace .what are the clinical features of idiopathic kyphoscoliosis? Enumerate the indications of surgical intervention
9.what is jaipur foot? Discuss the absolute and relative indications of amputation
10.discuss the etiology , clinical features and treatment of sudeck's atrophy
Paper III
Part A1 .enumerate the portals for arthroscopy of knee joint. Describe the various arthroscopies, their accessories and indication of arthroscopy of knee joint
2.classify pelvic fracture. Describe various radiological views for assessing pelvic injuries. How will u manage rotationally unstable pelvic injuries.
3.describe ilizarov fixator and corticotomy. How will u manage a case of defect non union
4.short notes on
1.myossitis ossificans
2.habitual dislocation of patella
5.what is 'VAC'? How will u manage a case of
compound fracture of tibia having no neurovascular deficit
Part b6what is damage control will u manage a case.of fracture shaft of femur with lung contusions in an adult
7.short notes on
1.gram negative septicemia
8.define osteoporosis. Describe various radiological investigations in a patient with osteoporosis. How will u manage a case of fracture D12 in an adult
9.describe clinical features of osteogenesis imperfecta. discuss the types of osteogenesis does it differ from batter baby syndrome
10.draw diagrams of brachial plexus
How will u clinically differentiate preganglioic and post ganglionic lesions?
Paper IV
1.describe the blood supply of femoral does it differ in adults and
children2.describe the anatomy of tibialis posterior tendon.what is tibialis posterior dysfunction.describe management of such cases
3.discuss the anatomy of parathyroid gland.describe the clinical features, radiological presentation of adenoma of parathyroid gland.what is hungry bone syndrome?
4.describe etiopathogenesis, clinical features , management of alkaptonuria
5.what are the indicationof excision of head of radius? Describe the posterolateral approach
Part b
1.short notes on
2. describe the anatomy of central and lateral canals in the lumbar spine in relation to lumbar stenosis. How will u clinically differentiate central from lateral lumbar canal stenosis. Briefly describe the management
3.describe the gross physical features of synovial fluid. Discuss the characteristic features in various pathological conditions vis a vis microscopic and biochemical analysis
4.describe the mechanism of bacterial colonization and perpetuation in osteomyelitis after orthopedic implant surgery. How is the situation different in tuberculous infection of musculoskeletal system
5.write short notes
A.chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis
B.combined angle of anteversion during total hip
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