Sunday, June 2, 2013

SICOT India Newsletter

SICOT India Foundation announces 10 scholarships to Young Orthopaedic Surgeons, under the age of 40 and who are Associate Members of SICOT. The scholarships will cover the registration fees of the participant. They should have submitted an abstract for the meeting. Last date of application is 20th May, 2013. Please send your applications with CV to Dr Ashok Johari.
SICOT OWC 2013 has already broken all records for the highest number of abstracts submitted to any of the SICOT World Congresses so far. They approximate 2500 !
India in the International arena reflected through SICOT
The sleeping giant has awakened. Lo and behold, India is here ......

SICOT was a charismatic word for India, something far away from us- A meeting of experts in Orthopaedics - India�s role was always considered as a minor one.

How dramatically things have changed in the last 2 years! From a position of weakness, India has gone to a position of strength. Today it occupies the highest position in terms of members, numbers attending the SICOT International Conferences and for the number of abstract submissions at this meeting. For example - India had 506 of the 2426 submitted abstracts - the highest by any country submitted for the Dubai OWC as well as the highest numbers of attendees at Dubai. India has the highest number of members in SICOT - 702, the next is Japan at 415. To the Indian tally are the corresponding members of IOA - 5004. Of SICOT�s total membership, India thus has 702 + 5004 = 5706 i.e nearly half the strength of SICOT.

SICOT still holds charisma. It is a meeting place of experts and it is usual to find many Indian names amongst these. As practicing orthopaedic surgeons with skills and exposure, there is none to beat us. Where do we lag behind? Innovation and research is the obvious answer. With easy availability and marketing skills of western technology, we seem to be numbing our faculties for innovation. Also without research - there can be no innovation. The direction is clear then. We have to create a climate where research and innovation is respected. We need to create the research aptitude and where better than among our resident�s and fellows. We have to believe in ourselves and not for a moment think that we cannot do it.

Knowledge was something very revered in Indian society. The Brahman was placed on a higher pedestal than the merchant or business person. Materialism and capitalism has changed this. Today, business holds the uppermost position and knowledge can be bought. Let us reverse this. As teachers and visionaries, let us give due importance and encourage research and innovation - to create and flourish. India must take its rightful place in the comity of nations.

SICOT India Progress - National Delegate reports......

SICOT India has been a very active body in recent times.

1. SICOT India Newsletter
This has become a twice a year feature and gives news about happenings with SICOT internationally and in India, updates on Educational activities and on SICOT India members. Since 2012 it is now looked upon by Dr. Hitesh Gopalan who is in charge of the Newsletter Committee for SICOT India.
2. SICOT India Website:
The SICOT India website is active and vibrant. Dr. Vaibhav Bagaria, Chairman of the Young Surgeons Forum for SICOT India, looks after this. It carries information of practical use to young surgeons like training opportunities, fellowships etc.
3. SICOT India Fellowships & Accreditation, Education:
New fellowships have been started by SICOT India in collaboration with Hiranandani Hospital (SICOT-HOME fellowships including AJRF - Advanced Joint Replacement Fellowship" Program @ HOME � Hiranandani Orthopaedic Medical Education), Johari Medical & Research Foundation (SICOT-JMRF fellowship), and in collaboration with Drs. Gulati & Bagaria in Delhi (Spine and Joint replacement Fellowship Program @ Apollo Hospital) and some other places. These are focused specialist fellowships based on a process of accreditation which in turn is based on the feedback from the trainee & trainer. We hope to gradually expand the scope of these fellowships. Also things are working for the establishment of a SICOT Education Centre at Hiranandani Hospital, Mumbai, a process initiated a year ago.
Under the banner of SICOT India we have had 3 ICL�s targeted at young surgeons in 2012. The ICL�s also prepare them for the SICOT exam. The ICL�s took place in Kochi in South India, Mumbai in western India and Lucknow in northern India.

The Kochi ICL was held by Dr. Hitesh Gopalan and had an exhaustive 2 day review of the subject on 28 - 29 April 2012. The second SICOT ICL was organized in Mumbai by Dr. Vijay Shetty on 8 - 9 Sept 2012. SICOT ICL-3 was organized by Dr Jamal Ashraf, Secretary of the UP Orthopaedic Association on 23 � 24 March 2013.
5. SICOT India sessions IOACON & APOA Congress:
SICOT India participated in a symposium on Modern Trends in Orthopaedics at the SICOT session during the APOA held in New Delhi in October 2012. The session was chaired by Prof Eulert and Dr Johari and this enlightened the audience on SICOT India activities. A similar meeting was held during the IOACON conference at Chennai in December 2012. Dr Ashok Johari presented an overview of Orthopaedic Education in India and Prof Cody Bunger discussed about globalizing Orthopaedic Education. This was a combined meeting of SICOT and World Orthopaedic Concern (WOC). Dr Rajasekaran, President of the IOA and SICOT Treasurer informed about the new IOA-SICOT fellowships. Renowned Spine Surgeon, Dr Shekhar Bhojraj, delivered a lecture on �Life Beyond Orthopaedics�. Dr Anil Jain, Dr Ram Prabhoo and Dr Jochen Eulert chaired the sessions.
A Committee Meeting of SICOT India
at IOACON 2012, Chennai
SICOT Session at IOACON 2012, Chennai
SICOT Ortho Excellence Program (OEP):
This webinar program started under SICOT Education benefits 5000 Indian and international surgeons. It is also open to SICOT members throughout the world by accessing Under this program sponsored by Abbott Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., a monthly webinar delivered by an international SICOT surgeon takes place. The current focus is on Trauma to the Lower Extremity and webinars have been delivered by Prof. Ashok Johari, Prof. Gershon Volpin of Israel, Prof. Khaled Emara of Egypt, Prof. Hoffmeyer of Switzerland, Prof. Vecsei of Austria, Prof. Waddell of Canada and Prof. Biberthaler of Germany. The OEP program is on the way of becoming a very popular one. Those regularly logging in will take a MCQ and be certified by SICOT. The webinars which take place are archived on the OEP website.

SICOT OEPs held in various cities across India
SICOT Instructional Course Lectures
1. The first SICOT ICL was held at the IMA House Kochi, Kerala on the 28th and 29th of April 2012.
2. The second successful ICL was organised by SICOT India in collaboration with Hiranandani Orthopaedic Medical Education (HOME), on the 8th and 9th September 2012. The event was planned by Dr Ashok Johari, SICOT India national delegate and Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon, and organised by Dr Vijay Shetty, SICOT Examiner and Orthopaedic Surgeon at the Dr LH Hiranandani Hospital, Mumbai. India.

SICOT ICL-2, Mumbai
3. The third ICL was conducted under the aegis of the Uttar Pradesh Orthopaedic Association (UPOA). There were 200 delegates and top class faculty from all over the country. The course was organized by Dr Jamal Ashraf, Secretary of the UP Orthopaedic Association. Some of the eminent faculty were Dr Ashok Johari(Mumbai), Dr Ajay Puri(Mumbai), Dr Mandeep Dhillon(PGI, Chandigarh), Dr Anil Jain(UCMS, New Delhi), Dr Arvind Jaiswal(AIIMS, New Delhi), Dr Shah Alam Khan(AIIMS, New Delhi), Dr Ravi Mittal(AIIMS, New Delhi), Dr CS Yadav(New Delhi), Dr John Mukhopadhay(Patna), Dr Ramani Narasimhan(New Delhi), Dr Vineet Sharma(Lucknow) and Dr NK Magu(Rohtak).

A glimpse of SICOT ICL-3, Lucknow
1. Dr. Hitesh Gopalan- Organiser SICOT ICL-1 Kochi
2. Dr. Vijay Shetty- Organiser SICOT ICL-2 Mumbai
3. Dr. Jamal Ashraf-Organiser SICOT ICL-3 Lucknow
4. Dr. Vaibhav Bagaria- Webmaster, SICOT India
Dr. Hitesh Gopalan Dr. Vijay Shetty Dr. Jamal Ashraf Dr. Vaibhav Bagaria
SICOT India Members in the News
1. Dr Ashok Johari has been elected as President of the Asia Pacific Knee Society
2. Dr Anil Jain is the President Elect of the Indian Orthopaedic Association
3. Dr Mandeep Dhillon has been elected President of the Indian Arthroplasty Association
Dr Ashok Johari Dr Anil Jain Dr MS Dhillon

SICOT India Foundation - Dr LN Vora

The SICOT India Foundation was started by Dr. K.T. Dholakia � a SICOT past President & Prof. L.N. Vora � a former SICOT Vice President. Through the Foundation, a scholarship is given for one young surgeon to attend the SICOT World Congress. The Foundation which had slowed down, has been revived and will team up with SICOT India for future educational activities.

Dr. L. N. Vora, then National Delegate at SICOT, made an endowment and SICOT India Foundation (SIF) was formed in January 1994. At the SICOT Seoul Congress, India bid successfully to host SICOT India Australia 94, in late 1994. SIF decided to hold the same under its aegis and it was decided to have this meeting in late 1994. There were also handsome donations from various hospitals like Jaslok and Bombay Hospital. Due to a suspected plague epidemic, very few delegates from abroad attended. International Committee meeting of SICOT was also held at the same time. The initial trustees were Drs. KT Dholakia - Chairman, JCN Joshipura, MN Shahane, PM Desai and LN Vora - Managing Trustee.

From the funds collected from the Conference and other donations, it was decided to install SIF Fellowship, wherein a sum of Rs. 25000 was offered to go abroad to attend a conference and to visit various centres. Generally, AAOS annual meetings were preferred.

The Fellowship was offered to a mature Orthopaedic Surgeon who had not gone abroad. Such fellowship continues to be offered annually after due advertisement and verification.

Successful candidates of the tenth SICOT Diploma Examination

Ratna Johari Nabil Aamer
Karim Moh'd Saied Abdel hadi Sarang Kasture
Taofeek Adeyemi Girgis Latif
Rafid Aladhab Rajat Malot
Ali i. Abdul Rahman Albakri Paraskumar Mohanlal
Peace Ifeoma Amaraegbulam Ganapathy Raman Perianayagam
Sai Krishna Balakrishnan Sakthivel Rajan Rajaram Manoharan
Jean - Emile Bayiha Akshay Kumar Saxena
Sherif Elnikety Gandhi Nathan Solayar
Yasser Mohammed Elrefai Tamer Sorour
Sherif Gamil Siu Leung Yip
Mohamed Said Abdel Maksoud Ismail  

SICOT Diploma awarded to 23 candidates

Dubai Conference - Highlights
31 symposia and 186 invited speakers covering the most advanced topics in each subspecialty
670 oral free papers and 927 electronic posters presented.
11 instructional course lectures

Indian members in the news and award winners

Henri Bensahel Award: Sponsored by the SICOT Conference, this Award was established in 2009 in memory of Henri Bensahel, Professor of Paediatric Orthopaedics and a Founding Member of IFPOS (International Federation of Paediatric Orthopaedic Societies). A prize of EUR 500 is awarded at the Closing Ceremony to the best oral presentation in Paediatrics.
Winners: Deepak Sharan, Ajeesh Sasidharan, Rameshkumar Ranganathan, Jeena Jose (India).
Presentation: Functional Outcome of a New Single Event Multilevel Lever Arm Restoration & Anti Spasticity Surgery for Cerebral Palsy

Lester Lowe SICOT awards: Funded by the SICOT Foundation, two prizes of up to USD 1,000 each for travel costs and a diploma will be awarded at the Closing Ceremony. The purpose is to allow trainees to attend a SICOT Orthopaedic World Conference. Free conference registration is granted to the winners who must attend the Closing Ceremony of the meeting to receive their prize.
Prerequisites: Candidates must be trainees under 35 and members of SICOT.
Winner: Vikas Bachhal (India)

Vikas Bacchal receives the Lester Lowe Award at SICOT Dubai

The Indian faculty which gave invited lectures at Dubai Conference 2012

Educational Day - an effort of the Young Surgeon�s Forum
AVN and Spontaneous Osteonecrosis of the Knee - Vijay D Shetty
Total Knee Replacement - Mandeep Dhillon
Revision TKR - Sanjiv Marya
The Paediatric Knee - Ashok N Johari

IGASS (International Group for Advancement in Spinal Science) symposium � Modern Trends In Spine Trauma
What is the optimal treatment of the odontoid fracture? - Shanmuganathan Rajasekaran

AO spine symposium � Updates on the Management of Spinal Traum
Evidence based update on the management of bilateral/unilateral facet dislocation - Shanmuganathan Rajasekaran

HTO with dynamic axial fixator - Mangal Parihar
Late presentation or Neglected Monteggia injuries/fractures- Ashok N Johari
Reviewing a paper- Anil Jain
Management of acute fractures and non-union of scaphoid- Sudhir Warrier
Perilunate injuries- Praveen Bhardwaj
Options before replacement in young arthritic knee- Mandeep Dhillon
Unicompartmental knee -Sanjiv Marya
CAS for the young knee - Rajesh Maniar
TKR in young rheumatoid knee- Chandeep Singh
A proforma for the management of fractures under circumstances of reduced resources- Anil Jain
Disability to ability; through rural camp approach � 40 years experience of tuberculosis- Deven Taneja
Neglected fracture of the neck of femur- Anil Jain
Spinal cord regeneration � reality or dream?- KV Menon
Current concepts in drug therapy in spinal tuberculosis- Anil Jain
The problem of deformity in childhood spinal tuberculosis- Shanmuganathan Rajasekaran
Pyogenic infections of spine- KV Menon
Complications in DDH management- Ashok Kumar Johari

Theme: Orthopaedics in an unequal world

India finally has the chance to host the SICOT World Conference in 2013 - the first time in 83 years, since the formation of SICOT in 1929! This is the successful culmination of a number of past bids to have the world congress in India. How is it important for us?

The SICOT OWC is our chance to show to the world that :

1. We can do it successfully and in a better way

2. Indian Orthopaedics is second to none

3. India has a rich culture and diversity

4. In spite of our handicaps and problems, we are determined to progress and excel

The SICOT OWC 2013 is as much yours as it is mine.

We are working on developing an excellent and exciting scientific and social program. Top notch Indian faculty will combine with the international masters in every field to bring you the latest in every area of orthopaedics. A number of instructional lectures, symposia, debates, brainstorming sessions, hot topics, tips & tricks, panel and case discussions, and mini workshops would be held. Special thrust will be given to the field of innovations and to orthopaedics in the developing world. Besides the specialty sessions, we plan sessions on International Training Opportunities for young surgeons, Evidence Based Orthopaedics, Health Economics in Orthopaedics, Preventive Orthopaedics and on Safety in Orthopaedic Surgery. There will be a lot to suit each and every subspecialty and every surgeon.

We will also have an excellent scientific exhibition with Indian and international companies showcasing their products and cutting edge technology. Socially, a bonanza awaits you with the welcome reception and the Indian theme night. The venue is the Hyderabad International Convention Centre, which is among the finest custom-designed convention centres in Asia.

"The conference city and venue are great. So what are you waiting for? Please register today." Dr. Ashok Johari

Upcoming Events

International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine Annual Meeting, May 13-17, 2013, Scottsdale, AZ, USA

2. 26th IFASCON 2013
Indian Foot and Ankle Society Annual Conference, 30 Aug- 1 Sept 2013, The Medanta Medicity, Gurgaon, India, Organising Chairman: Dr Ashok Rajgopal, USP: Top class faculty, Live Surgeries

3. 2nd FFN Global Congress 2013
Fragility Fracture Network Global Congress 2013, 29-31 August 2013, Berlin, Germany

4. ICRS Summit 2013
International Cartilage Repair Society, Izmir - Turkey, Sept 15-18, 2013

5. MSTS Annual Meeting
Musculoskeletal Tumour Society Annual Meeting, Oct 3-5, 2013, Hyatt Regency, San Francisco, CA, USA

6. 8th CORS 2013
Tri-annual Combined Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Societies, Congress Center, Venice, Italy, Oct 13-16, 2013

7. IAAMEET 2013
Indian Arthroplasty Association Annual Meeting, Hotel Mariott, Jaipur, India, Nov 15-17, 2013

Newsletter Prepared by Dr Hitesh Gopalan. He can be contacted at

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